Postpartum Depression: What is it, What are the Signs and Treatments?

Fear Becoming Bad Mother

Irritability, prolonged fatigue and intense sadness are hallmarks of what is called postpartum depression. This is actually a severe mental disorder. It is more common than it might seem at first glance.

Let’s find out about the causes of postpartum depression and how to deal with it.

Main symptoms of postpartum depression

After giving birth to a baby, young mothers face various mental problems. Many of them do not talk about their problems and consider them normal.

Indeed, with the birth of a baby, you have more worries. However, if it is postpartum depression, and not just fatigue, it is better to recognize it in time.

Typically, postpartum depression is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Fear of becoming a bad mother
  • Constant mental exhaustion
  • Feelings of loneliness
  • Insomnia, sleep problems
  • Loss of appetite
  • Loss of the ability to feel joy and pleasure

Similar worries and experiences can be felt by all mothers, especially young ones. However, in the case of postpartum depression, the unstable emotional state is delayed for a long period. Mental and physical strength begins to run out.

How to deal with postpartum depression?

The feelings that you experience after giving birth can affect not only you, but also those around you. The problems that arise make it difficult to establish an emotional bond between mother and child.

There are several treatment options available to help overcome this disorder.

Consulting Psychologist

Consulting and self-care

A psychologist is an excellent option for overcoming mild and short-term depression. Conversations with a psychologist are aimed at identifying and overcoming the problems you are facing.

Among other things, communication with your partner, friends and family is recommended. Try to be honest about how you feel so they can support you. Physical activity, yoga and walking can be helpful, as well.


It is possible that you will need not only psychotherapy and support from loved ones, but also treatment in the form of antidepressants.

Women who are advised to take an antidepressant are often worried about the effect of the drug and are reluctant to use it. However, treatment is often necessary, especially in the case of severe depression.

Medicines can be passed to the baby through breast milk. However, the penetration of antidepressants into breast milk is low. The impact on children is significantly lower than on mothers.

There are several types of antidepressants. SSRI antidepressants are commonly used in the postpartum period. You may know these medicines by the following names:

  • Prozac
  • Zoloft
  • Paxil
  • Celexa
  • Lexapro

It should be remembered that antidepressants do not take effect immediately. It may take several weeks before you see improvement.

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