Alternatives to Antidepressants

Depression is a profound malaise, a mood disorder that makes daily life difficult. It requires professional treatment and follow-up. Fortunately, a poor emotional state does not always mean depression. There are days when you don’t pay attention to the alarm clock, don’t want to get out of bed and don’t want to see anyone, but … Read more

Can Depression Affect us Physically?

Everyone knows that depression affects us both emotionally and mentally. But it also has certain physical effects and really affects the body. The combination of depressive symptoms should be alarming, you have to do something about them. If you do not pay attention to your physical well-being, it is a big mistake. Let’s consider the … Read more

The Most Common Causes of Depression

“Why me? Why now? Am I to blame for this situation?” – Such questions usually concern people suffering from depression. You need to understand that people have nothing to do with what happens to them. On the contrary, depression often arises from external factors that are impossible or difficult to control. There are many things … Read more

How to Avoid Withdrawal Symptoms

If you have health problems and use or are planning to use antidepressants, you may have heard that many people get unpleasant symptoms when they stop taking the medication. Misinformation about this problem often makes people to simply refuse treatment or stop it too early. Since it is necessary to make the right decisions about … Read more

Myths and Misconceptions About Antidepressants

We can thank TB for the variety of antidepressants, available on the market today. No, this is not a myth, it is true. The first antidepressant was discovered by accident. In the early 1950s, Iproniazid was being tested as a new drug for tuberculosis. The medicine worked, but not only in the way it was … Read more